Informative Research Speech Assignment

    Time: 5 – 8 min. (going over or under time will significantly affect your grade.)
    Points: 75 possible
    Assignment: Inform or persuade the audience about a topic of your choice. The speech is different form the informative visual aid speech in that, while you may include visual aids if you like, the major focus of this speech should be on selecting appropriate and relevant verbal citations to include in the speech. These citations should be necessary for a further understanding of the topic. For example, avoid needless verbal citations such as: “Webster’s Dictionary defines a headache as a pain in the head.” This is a poorly selected verbal citation for at least 2 reasons: first, we probably all have a basic dictionary, and you did not need to do research to find this, and second, it is very basic information and does virtually nothing to further our understanding of headaches. However, using a nursing or pre-med physiology text or dictionary will give a more precise and acceptable definition.

    Again, a Power Point presentation of only your speaking outline is not acceptable (it may be fine for an early morning business meeting, but not for this assignment).
    For this speech you must include a MINIMUM of three verbal citations from a minimum of three different sources. Do not select only web-site sources, but you may use Internet published paper print sources; i.e. Chicago Tribune Online, Sports Illustrated Online, JAMA Online, EBSCO journal search, etc. Make sure any Internet sources you choose will pass the credibility test as described in Chapters 6 & 7 of your textbook. While you are only required to include 3 citations, there are grading spots for 5! See the Instructor’s Evaluation Form in your Speaker’s Packet. Please work to incorporate the citations smoothly into your speech. Work on eye contact, so you don’t have to look down the entire time you are presenting the citation. If it is a long quote, you may wish to paraphrase the author’s words so that the citation does not disrupt the flow of your speech. Also, be sure to vary the method of presenting the citation so that we don’t hear “According to…” at the beginning of each of your citations. Attach a bibliography in MLA format to the formal outline that only includes the sources that you actually cited in your speech. You do not need to include the entire citation on the outline, but you should indicate where you are planning to us verbal citations and which source you are planning to use.

    Grading Criteria: The topic should be well suited and adapted to the audience. The introduction should be dynamic and perform 4-5 functions (see Chapter 9 of your textbook). The body should be structured using an appropriate organizational design and provide clear connectives between the main points of the speech. Sources should be well selected and must be verbally cited. Select sources based on relevancy, recency, clarity, and credibility. The conclusion should be functional and dynamic (again see Chapter 9). A bibliography in MLA style of all sources cited in the speech should be typed and attached to the formal outline handed in on speaking day. The speech should be practiced enough to allow for sufficient eye contact even during the verbal citations. Although you are asked to include verbal citations, this does not mean you should write out the entire speech. The only complete sentences in your speaking outline should be your verbal citations. If the citation is long, try paraphrasing the citation instead of reading it directly from the source. Reading the speech from a manuscript is unacceptable. Use an extemporaneous style of delivery – fully prepared, fully rehearsed and delivered from a brief speaking outline. See Chapter 10 in your text for the difference between a preparation outline and a speaking outline. Your delivery should be dynamic enough to keep the audience interested, and free of excessive vocalized pauses and distracting nonverbal mannerisms. See the Instructor Evaluation Form in the speakers packet (p.21) to see how you will be graded.

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