Instructions to students
    o    Open in Microsoft Word and complete answers to submit file to Turnitin.
    o    Filename must follow this format: surname_firstname_task4.docx
    o    You must type your name/student ID in the grey box provided above.
    o    You will be given the text for the critical analysis in a separate document. Please check you have this.
    o    You MUST provide answers for all five sections.
    o    For Sections 2-5, all answers must appear in numbered lists that link.
    o    Write your answers to the sections in the space provided. If additional space is required, insert new pages. The section number(s) must be clearly shown.
    o    Plan your work before you start writing using the planning page given.

    Information for students
    o    This paper has 8 pages; page 8 is blank
    o    The total number of marks for this task is 20.

    Section 1: Summary (out of 4)
    (in paragraph form)

    Section 2: Claims being made (out of 3)
    All claims must appear in numbered lists to link answers
    For direct quotes, use quote marks; otherwise, paraphrase

    Section 3:
    What evidence has been provided for each claim identified in section 2?  (out of 3)
    All evidence must appear in numbered lists linked to Section 2
    For direct quotes, use quote marks; otherwise, paraphrase

    Section 4:
    What are the problems with the claims/ evidence? (out of 5)
    All problems must appear in numbered lists linked to Section 2
    For direct quotes, use quote marks; otherwise, paraphrase

    Section 5:
    What information would be needed to support the claims / evidence?  (out of 5)
    All support must appear in numbered lists linked to Section 2
    For direct quotes, use quote marks; otherwise, paraphrase

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