**PLEASE READ – Notes for this week should be recorded for only (1)Privilege 101: A Quick and Dirty Guide  (2)Privilege Checklists – You do not have to mention each checklist separately. One reaction to all of them is OK (3)White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack (4)Power, Privilege, and Oppression .** Other readings will be covered through Padlet and the Identity Mapping worksheet. 

    For accountability, please take notes on assigned readings and videos. 

    Feel free to choose a quote or phrase to react to. You can also write a summary as your reaction. 


    2) Cisgender, Heterosexual, Able-Bodied, Thin Privilege Checklist

    4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTDikx-maoM&ab_channel=GraduateSchoolofSocialWork-DU

    1-2 paragraphs or bullet points are sufficient for a completion grade. 

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