These questions can be formulated while reading assigned texts before the lecture, during a lecture about the lecture itself, during the viewing of the recorded lecture, or after viewing the recorded lecture. Below youll find different options for formulating your one-page word question/reflection:
    1) Addressacitationfromoneofthetheoreticaltextswevereadfortheweek, and a short (2-3 sentence) description of what you find compelling, interesting, confusing, challenging, confounding, about the passage.
    2) Addressatheoreticalconceptpresentedintheweekslecturepresentationthatyoufind compelling, interesting, confusing, challenging, confounding, and would like to introduce for discussion in class. This scene may have some relationship to the citation of the theoretical text youve provided.
    3) An anesthetic technique that you saw in artwork or exhibition that was covered in the lecture presentation. Pick one you think has engaged directly with a theoretical concept weve discussed or has been discussed in one of our readings/lectures. Briefly describe the artwork or exhibitions technique and also what kind of relation it might have to the theoretical text we encountered that week.
    These should not be simple yes or no question or something that can easily be looked
    up on Wikipedia. Rather, your one-page response should reflect your active engagement
    with the reading, lecture, or case study artwork/exhibition. These questions are meant to
    help you understand concepts in the text that you find difficult, please use them to your
    advantage. Consider the following questions to guide your work
    a. What is the text, lecture, or artworks main idea?
    b. What does it mean?
    c. Why does it matter?
    As you proceed with these assignments over the course of the quarter, you may compare
    and contrast prior theories or artworks covered in one lecture with another. This will prepare you for the final paper assignment.

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