Reflect on. the film: Amores Perros (2000)

    You will exercise these skills in written form, in a paper that
    does two things: Reveals what a movie is about (its theme)
    and shows how you know that to be so (its techniques).

    You could think of theme as the lesson the writer hopes to communicate to the audience. A theme is not a single word, like violence or family. Instead, a theme is a fully-formed idea, expressed as a sentence.

    In your opening paragraph, make a claim about what you
    believe the theme to be. The body of your paper will then be
    a discussion of how the filmmaker uses techniques such as
    design, camera, dialogue, lighting, music, etc., to create scenes that connect to this theme.

    MLA format, 2 full
    pages of text, with a
    separate MLA Works
    Cited page with the
    subject film properly

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