November 27, 2020

Introduction to MATSim

Please write 825 words for one of the parts of my report (4) Introduction to MATSim (e.g., framework, mechanisms) based on this book: W Axhausen K, […]
November 27, 2020

operation research

Q.1 Partially completed products arrive at a workstation in a manufacturing operation at a meanrate of 40 per hour (Poisson distributed). The processing time at the […]
November 26, 2020


chapter 10 Bowling, J. C. (2011). Grace-full leadership: Understanding the heart of a Christian leader (2nd      ed.). Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press. Throughout […]
November 26, 2020

Storage of hydrogen in single-walled carbon nanotubes

Writing Assignment Please evaluate the following paper: Storage of hydrogen in single-walled carbon nanotubes, Nature, vol. 386, page 377-379(1997). Please prepare a summary (one-page maximum, one-inch […]