November 22, 2020

architecture and slow design

You need to find an architecture designer/professional in Kansas now!!!! to make an interview with the person. (do not choose Lisa Schmitz). The questions are listed […]
November 22, 2020

slow design in Kansas city Architecture

You need to find and analyze 2 different examples of slow design in Kansas city Architecture. *at least 400 words for each example. The total is […]
November 20, 2020

The Problem of Public Transportation Services in the Middle East and Solution

Please see attached documents named “FSP Sample…” and “FSP110 Sample…”. I will need you to annotate + highlight the three other documents so that they look […]
November 20, 2020


Hydrogen Production: Natural Gas Reforming ( Steam methane reforming) * how steam methane reforming work ?* why this pathway is preferred ? * hydrogen production via […]