November 20, 2020

International Trade (Final report)

hello:) I submitted well my ‘International Trade’ midterm paper:) Thank you so much! This time…as I told you before, I have another final paper with the […]
November 20, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

short report on the social composition of one low-income neighborhood in Southern California.This is a group project and my part is identifying low-income neighborhood(la city) -Identifying […]
November 19, 2020

Differential thermal Analysis

Things to consider as starting points:    What is the theoretical basis for the characterization technique, synthetic method and/or general theme?    What are the nuts and bolts […]
November 18, 2020

review of fouling parameter from carbon nanotubes via methane production

I need a review thesis of finding fouling parameter of carbon from carbon nanotubes that is synthesised from methane. this review is about on how to […]