Topic:  Connecting EverythingThe Internet of Things

    How can existing and emerging technologies inform and enhance administration and delivery of Public Sector services, i.e., What is possible? How to maximize?
    Include use cases and examples you are familiar with or can research and share.
    on a real-world public administration situation that is being discussed and analyzed in the
    chosen article.

    Explain how these challenges impact ethics, statesmanship and governance of public
    Remember to synthesize your research and findings with the required readings and
    presentations for this week and a Biblical/covenantal model

    Meaningful and relevant case study is chosen for detailed analysis, study and application.
    Concepts from the previous essay, required reading, etc. are applied in a meaningful and
    thorough way.
    Major points are stated clearly and effectively. Clear, logical flow to post; stayed on topic.
    Ideas from all the required reading and presentations from the Module/Week and 2 scholarly
    sources are integrated. Relates topic to Scripture/biblical principles.
    Moves the conversation forward with new ideas, research, and analysis.
    Contains abundant citations from required reading, presentations, and 2 scholarly sources.
    Minimal to no errors in grammar, spelling, or APA.
    Appropriate word count:
    825 words for thread

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