1. Critically analyse ethical issues related to ICT
2. Demonstrate an understanding of and be able to apply ethical theories and ICT Codes
of ethics to an ethical problem
3. Analyse a current ICT ethical problem using critical thinking techniques and provide
solutions within the context of the analysis
1. This assessment requires you to research and write an essay between 2 and 3
thousand words on a topical issue related to IT or Technology that is relevant, novel
and related to the material we have discussed in class. Write a well-structured
critical essay. It should have a clear introduction in which you identify your
research questions a well written body that is broken into logical paragraphs
building your argument and a conclusion that justifies any recommendations made
in your essay.
2. The topic could be based on topical debates, journal and or popular media articles in
Digital or IT/Computing ethics or one of the topics suggested by your lecturer.
3. Undertake further research (using a wide range of relevant and appropriate
resources) about your chosen case to assist you in analysing and discussing it in your
4. Note headings, citations, references and appendices do not count towards the word
5. Provide some back ground to your topic then analyse your topic from the
perspective of at least two classical ethical theories (eg, Virtue Ethics, Utilitarianism,
Deontology) and present well-reasoned arguments for your assessments and