The ZipCode Class
    String fiveDigit
    String plus4
    one constructor with no input parameters
    since it doesn’t receive any input values, you need to use the default values below:
    fiveDigit – “00000”
    plus4 – “0000”
    one constructor with one parameter
    one input parameter for fiveDigit
    use the default value from the no-parameter constructor to initialize plus4
    one constructor with all (two) parameters
    one input parameter for each attribute
    Methods (same as last lab)
    public String toString()
    returns this object as a String, i.e., make each attribute a String, concatenate all strings and return as one String.
    toString() is a special method, you will learn more about it in the next lessons
    it needs to be public
    it needs to have @override notation (on the line above the method itself). Netbeans will suggest you do it.
    this method gets the “toString()” value (whatever is returned by toString() ) and uses “System.out.println” to display it.
    you need to decide what is the type of this method
    displayPrefix(int p)
    this method receives an input parameter, an int number p
    based on p’s value
    if p’s value is 1
    uses “System.out.println” to display the zipcode’s prefix, i.e., its 3 first digits.
    if the fiveDigit is “10022”, displays “100”
    if p’s value is2
    uses “System.out.println” to display the zipcode’s area, i.e., its fourth and fifth digits.
    if the fiveDigit is “10022”, displays “22”
    for any other value of p, it should not display anything
    The App class
    create a ZipCode object called z1 using the no-parameter constructor
    create a ZipCode object called z2 using the one-parameter constructor with the value
    fiveDigit  90210
    create a ZipCode object called z3 using the two-parameter constructor with the values
    fiveDigit  16802
    plus4  1503
    display all the data from each object using the method display()
    display the prefix of z1 (using input parameter value 1) using the method displayPrefix(int p)
    display the area of z2 (using input parameter value 2) using the method displayPrefix(int p)

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