LaFleur Trading Company on the Virtual Organizations web site.

    You must design a network telecommunications upgrade for the LaFleur Trading Company on the Virtual Organizations web site.

    LaFleur Trading Company wants to review their current network and telecommunications system.  They are currently using a Windows® 2003 server for network operations but want to look at also using UNIX® or Linux systems as possible additions to increase overall communication security. Unfortunately, little information is available for their current operations. It is necessary to complete research to determine what type of network and communication systems could be the best choices for this type of business. Some assumptions must be made but should be supported by adequate outside research on what has been used for similar companies.


    Organizational Chart


    As part of the project assignment, you must also examine the LaFleur Trading Company Organizational Chart on the Virtual Organizations website.


    Current Network Configuration


    The basis for the company network is three Core2 Duo Processor E6320 network servers, using a Cisco®2811 router. Network connections are handled through a Cisco® smart switch bank with the capability of 200 connections.  The current network operating system is Windows® 2003, but not all patches and updates have been installed, which causes some issues with communication. The computer room is near the CIO’s office and includes connection via T1.


    The web server and applications including the customer database are being maintained on one of the three servers previously described.

    The new network is to allow the following:


    • All sales, finance, and operations need to share customer order databases to ensure accurate inventory, successful delivery of orders, and that payments are received and accounted for accurately.
    • Operations must be able to be able to monitor deliveries both through the database and through contact with drivers.
    • All employees must have secure company e-mail.
    • All employees must be able to e-mail to people outside the company.
    • There must be web access to all, but also an Intranet with appropriate safeguards.
    • Remote access must be available for executive, sales, and delivery personnel.
    • Provide the most economical and efficient telephonic communications
    • Firewall to Internet capability
    • Configuration of network system that ensures secure access for all employees and protects corporate and customer data

    Develop a 5- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation.

    Address the following in your presentation:


    • Describe the necessary changes to the network infrastructure, outlining the benefits to staff, personnel, and customers.


    List major points in the slides. Include detailed explanations in the speaker notes section that correlate to each point. Use these speaker notes to assist presenters who may not be IT-oriented or who may be providing this presentation to nontechnical personnel.


    Include videos, audio, photos, diagrams, or graphs as appropriate.


    Format yourpresentation consistent with APA guidelines.

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