When analyzing your menu design, there is a number of data points that chefs and owners need to know in hopes to stays profitable or items are still satisfying/relevant, thus making a return on your investment (ROI) sort to speak.

    create a Survey a series of polls to give you real data for your created menu. (YOU CAN DO IT IN WORD BY USING Q-A FORMAT )

    1- Popularity Poll :
    List all menu items in each section and have students rank them 1st (most favorite) to last (least favorite). Create a why/explain section so you have a clue to possible future changes.

    2-Price Poll:
    Ask students to pick “this seems reasonable price” for the appetizer and entree dishes your evaluating for stage 3 section “menu item costing” on menu.

    3- Other:
    Any other reasonable question you’d want feedback on.

    NOTE: please write the questions and list the choices below in each question. LIKE THIS EXAMPLE https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/H2C2LPN

    HERE MY MENU LINK : https://www.musthavemenus.com/menu/viewMenu.do?token=87e03d95-ffb0-4fd5-9ad2-a92f79e4d744&lite=true YOU’RE FREE TO DO SOME EDITED!

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