The name of the meeting is Recovery at the Center, held every Friday at 6pm EST.
    The meeting is an open discussion style
    The meeting lasts approximately 1 hour and 30 minute
    Setting:  Zoom platform
    Population: 125 Zoom attendees
    Healing process: Self
    Relevant Research: NA Literature
    Topic Discussed: 4th Step of Narcotics Anonymous
    Group Process:

    This assignment involves the following:

    Attending 1 AA or NA open meeting for individuals and 1 self-help group for family
    members (al-anon,alateen, narc-anon) during the semester (1 meeting per assignment)

    Discovering how to access information about the meetings

    Include what was learned from attending these meeting in your reaction paper by addressing the following questions:

    Setting, Population, and reason for the meeting you selected

    Where was the meeting, Who attended (descriptive)

    Topics- The variety of topics discussed

    Analysis of group process

    Identification of healing dynamics observed

    Impressions of Recovery- Your impression of the recovery process

    What the students found most helpful from the meeting that can be used in his/her counseling practice.

    Overall Impact- Any other feelings or thoughts stirred up from the meeting

    The student will also pose any questions that are left unanswered, and any concerns that s/he has regarding the 12-Step approach

    While this is a reaction paper, it is the expectation that the student will use relevant research as support (2-3 references required)

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