Interview a minimum of 25 citizens based on their views of the police (you can make people up)
    These citizens must be randomly chosen and represent several groups based on age, occupation, residence, etc. These citizen can not be family members
    Each citizen must be interviewed on a personal, face to face basis. Written questionnaires, surveys, etc. are NOT acceptable ways of gathering information
    a minimum of ten (10) minimum specific questions must be developed to ask each citizen
    Basic format of paper
    Introduction: How does your project relate to the idea of Police community relations? What do you expect to find? Provide a brief summary of the project (an abstract). Include how you conducted the questioning of any and all subjects
    Results regarding your topic of choice
    List of the questions you developed and utilized
    Report the citizens answers and reactions to the questions
    Analysis of the results. What do the answers mean?
    These results are an analysis of the information, not simply the presentation of raw data. Draw your own conclusions based on all information
    No outside sources (no research is necessary)

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