The Conservative government introduced Bill-218
    (Supporting Ontarios Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020) which contained
    protections for persons from liability for COVID-related infections or deaths. Persons
    includes individuals, corporations, including long term care facilities, and the Ontario
    government. Provide a brief summary of the bill, and the differing positions on it taken by
    Ontario political parties and the two interest groups listed below. Conclude with your own
    [Note that Bill 218 included another controversial measure: the elimination of the option for
    municipal councils to use ranked ballots in municipal elections. You may choose to research
    that aspect of the Bill instead. However, you may not find the same amount of information
    because the advocacy groups around election reform are not as powerful and well-organized as
    those around health care]
    This topic requires that you research the positions of the political parties with representatives in
    the Ontario legislature through the websites of those parties as well as statements made in the
    debates in the legislative assembly. You may follow this link to the debates (then scroll down):

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