Section 3: What should be included in the activities and reflections section
    During the semester there are a number of activities and tasks that you will be asked to do, each of them provides an
    opportunity to reflect on concepts within the course, be it personality or learning. Usually we do lots of these, but
    this semester there were only three. In addition, while the execution of these is more complicated, it remains
    possible to capture the spirit of the activity without following the specific instructions.
    The first involved guessing other peoples personality. Many of you mentioned the challenge of doing this virtually
    but knowing what you know now about personality reflect on the activity and/or guess that of friend/roommate family
    member and assess your accuracy.
    The second was related to the module on Creativity and Innovation, where I asked you do something you do not do
    enough. Please provide a short description on your attempt to create balance. As I wrote on Brightspace:
    So a key component of creativity and innovation is often rest and stepping away in an attempt to see things
    differently. For this week your task is to do something different and try to regain some balance. I have an included
    an article with some suggestions, some of which are more fun than others. I do hope that if getting outside is
    something you don’t do often enough, that you take some time to get outdoors. I also know that while I am asking
    this, there are a number of others things being asked of you (some by me even), but do try to take sometime to create
    some distance and balance. I have also included an article on the importance of laughter so I hope you can make
    someone laugh this week.
    The third relates to a request within the final module you are asked to write out instructions for a skill. After doing so
    I would like to share those activities with members of your group. Everyone will try and complete the skills that
    group members have described by following the instructions. You will be asked to include your instructions and a
    reflection on at least one of your attempts to follow the instructions. Obviously do not do anything dangerous and I
    understand that there may be equipment and space limitations but do your best.
    If it is not convenient to work with group members you can use people within your bubble. This will not work as well
    as in a classroom where we have someone who has never played hockey try to learn how to shoot a hockey puck by
    following the written instructions from a hockey player, but it does have some potential (even if it is only minimal) to
    be a little fun.
    Within this section you can also outline what concept (or concepts if you cant help yourself ) resonated with you
    most. Finally, this section allows you to be creative and personal with your thoughts towards the course. Are there
    things that you now connect with OB. Basically, to quote a former student, I see OB everywhere.

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