Question 1


    What events in Europe after 1918 resulted in the outbreak of WWII in Europe in September, 1939?


    Question 2


    What led to the U.S. involvement in WWII despite the fact that a large portion of the U.S. population opposed war and were isolationists

    Question 3


    Provide examples of actions that President Roosevelt took that indicated that he knew a war was coming and the United States would be involved.


    Question 4


    What aspects of the North Africa campaign contributed to the success of the Normandy invasion? What other multiple factors made the Normandy invasion successful? What were the code names for each operation? What General led each campaign?


    Question 5


    Other than the North Africa campaign and the Normandy invasion, identify the details of three other major battles in the European theater. Hint: Dunkirk was not a major battle.

    Question 6


    Identify three major political leaders who were involved in the war in Europe. Briefly describe how they came to power and then describe their effectiveness.


    Do the same with three Allied military leaders.

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