X-rays and CT-scans (Medicine)
    o TheadventofX-raytechnologyisintimatelylinkedwiththediscoveryof
    radioactivity overall. Discuss this connection and how X-rays for the use of medicine evolved over time. Use concrete nuclear reactions to examplify this evolution.

    Word count: 2000 words
    Use citations and a list of references (bibliography).
    NEVER copy a text from somewhere else without putting signs around the text, and
    then cite the source. However, try to avoid copying more than occasional phrases. Use
    your own words instead.
    As a general rule, have at least one mathematical/numerical calculation or estimate in
    your essay, as a part of the natural flow of text. Show your calcuations. Even simpler estimates should be used to contrast/compare, and should be used when drawing conclusions.
    Research question (title – ?), Introduction, Background sections, Main topic sections, Conclusions, Bibliography.
    Proposed order:
    o Write down draft research questions, and start to research the topic.
    o After a while, you should have a clear understanding of what you want to write
    o Find ways to answer your research question, this will already be part of your
    Main topic sections.
    o Finish the main topic sections and write Conclusions = answer to research
    o Collectreferencesalongthewayandputtheminalistatthebackofthe
    document, this is your bibliography.
    o Write the background. Think about what background information is necessary
    (physical laws/relationships, or history behind discoveries, etc) in order for the
    reader to be prepared for the main topic sections.
    o Write the introduction. Employ a marketing-rhetorical expert and try to make
    your essay a convincing read. Whats the most interesting aspect of your topic? Some shocking or unexpected results? Weird historical events? Why was this topic interesting to society or to scientists?

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