ENGL 101/115 Essay Assignment
    Argumentative Personal Narrative:
    You, Represented

    Overarching questions: How often do you see yourself in the media?
    When you see yourself represented, how trueis the representation?

    Assignment Details:
    Choose a song, television show, movie, or some other type of media that you believe illustrates your identity, or a part of your identity.
    Choose a different example that you think exemplifies a stereotype of how people may perceive your identity (you should be working with a minimum of 2 media options; you may work with more options if youd like).

    In your writing, address the following questions specifically:
    Describe and explain how your chosen media represent, or misrepresent, your identity.
    In what ways are they real, or not real, to your world and your experiences?
    What statements do you feel the artists or authors are trying to make? Why do you feel they would express themselves in this way? What audiences do you think the authors/artists are trying to reach with their work, and are they successful in doing so? Why, or why not?

    General Guidelines:
    Please include an original title for your essay that conveys its topic(s) or purpose.
    You should include a 3 pointed THESISa concise statement where you let your reader know what to expect as the paper unfolds. What is at stake in your argument? Why are they reading this essay? UNDERLINE THESIS in your paper.
    To provide evidence for your thesis and related claims, you should include details and/or quotes from your chosen materials as support, as well as relevant details from your own experiences, or experiences of other people and situations youve observed. Be sure to include at least 1 example from each of the 3 types of evidence: 1 Empirical, 1 Anecdotal, and 1 Expert. Specificity in your examples is always helpful! Set up your quotations with author, title, source, background. Sandwich your quotations with an explication in your own words.
    Each body paragraph should treat one thesis point at a time. You should have at least one example of evidence in each body paragraph that supports/develops/proves your thesis point. 
    Remember to consider who your audience is for this assignment!
    Include a Call To Action in your conclusion paragraph that looks at how society can address your issue AND smaller doable steps an individual can engage in right away.

    At least 3 full pages in length (900 words minimum). No more than 4 pages.
    MLA format:
    full heading (your name, class name, day(s) & time of meeting, assignment name, Professor name, date),
    last name & page number on each page,
    1-inch margins all around,
    double-spacedno extra spaces between paragraphs,
    12-point Times New Roman font, etc.
    Must include a Works Cited page formatted in correct MLA.
    Works Cited page should include your 2 media options and your examples of evidence.

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