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    Principles of Accounting
    BAP 11
    Group Assignment Semester 2 2013
    Class Day/Time: ________________
    Due date:21 Sep 2013
    ThisAssignment is worth 15% of the marks for the course This is group assignment is a research project and is be completed in a group of nomore than 3 students.
    The Group report together with the excel document must be loaded into Moodle.
    Project Assignment Group Members
    Student Id Number Student Name
    Student Id Number Student Name
    Student Id Number Student Name
    Choose an organisation listed on the stock exchange from the organisations listed below
    BHP Billiton
    Woolworths Ltd
    Harvey Norman
    Develop and excel spread sheet to analyse the operations of the business you have chosen over a three year period use ratio analysis trend analysis and other qualitative information to undertake the analysis.
    Prepare a report to shareholders and management to explain the performance of the organisation. Note the information provided to management may be more in depth than that provided to shareholders
    Prepare a presentation of the key issues identified in you analysis to be undertaken in week 9 maximum of 5 minutes
    Principles of Accounting BAP11 Page 2 of 2
    Assignment Semester 2 2013

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