The Week 5 IP will consist of two parts:

    Part 1:

    For the final Key Assignment in this course, you will need to discover how measurement and continuous improvement are part of success in customer service excellence. Complete the following for the first part of this assignment:

    Find 2 articles, one that describes how customer service excellence is measured and the other on how continuous improvement can be practiced. These articles need to be verified to be valid and from a source that can be used in academic writing.Include a summary of each article into your current PPT presentation from Week 4.  

    Part 2:

    After you have gathered your final content from Part 1 of this assignment, complete the following: 

    Include the summary of your article reviews into your slides from Week 4. This is a culmination of all of the work you have done in this course throughout the 5 weeks.You will have a total of 14 content slides with 150250 words of Speaker Notes that will be submitted for your final grade.Remember that this needs to have the quality and content to be presented to an incoming HR Manager after your recent promotion to Vice President.

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