There are 3 deliverables overall.

    Part 1 UFO Sightings: Deliverable: A python script called that I can run by typing “python FILENAME”. It should output a file called lastname_firstname_cities.txt that contains one city/state (or city,province or city,country if you use international locations) with the corresponding count on each line.

    You must include a sleep of at least 5 seconds between page accesses in order to receive credit for this part.

    Part 2 Latitude/Longitude:A python file called that I can run by typing “python FILENAME”. It should open your file lastname_firstname_cities.txt from the current directory (DO NOT put a full path to the file in your code. Just use the file name so it will work on my system). It should output a file lastname_firstname_latlon.txt that has one latitude/longitude pair on each line with its corresponding count that matches with the city/state on each line of your lastname_firstname_cities.txt file. Utilization of Mapquest OpenMaps API

    Part 3 HeatMap: A python file called that I can run by typing “python FILENAME”. It should open your file lastname_firstname_latlon.txt from the current directory (DO NOT put a full path to the file in your code. Just use the file name so it will work on my system). It should output a file called lastname_firstname.html and lastname_firstname.js that has the coordinates. When I open the html file, it should show me a heatmap of the UFO sightings. Utilization of Mapquest HeatMap API.

    You don’t have to worry about Part 4 since I can easily make the presentation so long as I have the approriate data from the UFO sighting database. You can check more in the attached file below. The full details for every part are in the pdf/pictures attached below.
    There are also .txt examples of what the data should look like.

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