This document of US 101 Midterm Exam includes answers to the next questions:
1) Online learning includes2) Online learning includes3) For academic written communication you should4) Academic written communication is primarily used for what audience?5) Which of the following is not considered academic written communication?6) To build a clearer sense of purpose in college you should do all of the following except7) When compared to nongraduates college graduates are more likely to8) Which one of the following is not an outcome of college?9) Cocurricular experiences are10) The process of making a career choice begins with11) Which of the following is not considered a content skill?12) The major and career a student ultimately selects has to align with13) To help you pursue your career with passion and an understanding of what motivates you you need to know14) Long-term goals15) Reconciling conflicting goals is an exercise in maturity and16) SMART goals are17) Which type of goal provides the most personal growth?18) In order to be internally motivated your goals should conform to19) Which type of goal provides the most motivation?20) All of the following are ways to sustain motivation throughout college except:21) To stay motivated when times are tough you can count on22) The quality of the relationships students develop in college can have __________ on their concentration self-confidence and academic success.23) The people in the outer circle are important to the success of your degree completion and include24) The purpose of previewing is25) Developing a visual guide to a chapter is known as26) The first thing you should read when previewing a reading assignment is27) Primary sources are28) Many primary sources were orignally written for29) Which of the following is not one of the suggestions for improving your reading ability?30) Idioms are31) The most important goals in choosing a reading environment are to: